Video Game Marketing Tips For Indie Game Devs
Videos and articles that will show you how to increase game wishlists so that your game launch is a financial success...
Learn how to grow you indie game Steam wishlists using this easy-to-follow, step-by-step marketing strategy...
Learn how to turn boring indie game marketing content into content that motivates players to wishlist and buy your game...
If you want your indie game to be shown to more customers on Steam, then here's what to do...
If you're making an in-depth, complicated indie game, then here's an insight and marketing strategy to help you find more players...
If you're trying to compete for attention, you've already lost. Here's a better strategy...
I researched players and asked them why and why they don't play game demos. Inside are 3 insights I learned... and a strategy to help you make your game demo more marketable.
Make your indie game stand out by using this simple marketing technique where you give your features a unique name...
If you're worried your game is too niche and won't succeed, then here's 6 mindsets that will help you see that you're on the right path...
How do you marketing your game when you having nothing to show yet? Click the link to get a step-by-step action plan and blueprint to hepl you get started...
You'll learn that what there's a survivor bias in video game marketing techniques... and what's a better strategy if you're a small indie game dev with very little or no customer base.
Inside you'll learn how to turn your amateur Steam capsule into an attention-grabbing professional capsule in 3 easy steps.
If you're developing a shmup, then learn how to attract players and build an audience before you launch your game. Click the link above and start using the simple step by step guide right away.
You'll get a template showing you how to write an attention-grabbing Steam Short Description, quickly and easily.
Is it a way to express your creativity and make money? Is it so you can financially support yourself doing your passion? Is it to find investors or publishers? The actual answer is not what you think...
In this training you'll learn 3 tips, 3 action plans, and a simple technique on how to avoid your game "die on the vine" because nobody disocverd it.
Inside you'll learn 48 things that every game dev should know about marketing their new game.
Having trouble coming up with a good name for your game? Click the link above and learn how to come up with a attention-grabbing game name...
Which of these 3 mistakes are you making when trying to grow your game studio? Click the link and above and learn and how to avoid these costly mistakes.
Here's 3 reasons why poring your game AFTER release will cost you more time and money...
You're about to get a step-by-step process showing you how to decide which of your game ideas are worth committing to. And learn how to avoid pursing opportunities that lead to nowhere. Click the image or title above and get the guide...
...and get a 3 Step Plan to double subsribers. Click the link above or the image, and I'll see you there!
Discover how to find the income potential for your new game project. And learn how to avoid making a game players won't buy. Click the link above to learn simple market research techniques to help you develop a successful
This training will show you how to build your game company from scratch, find a profitable market for your game idea, how to create a game that sells itself, how to build your audience, and how to find a publisher. It’s all here. Click the title to learn how to start and grow your game studio...
If you're a game dev making a commercial game and have no idea how to start a profitable game company that will sustain you in the long-term, then click the link above to get started...
How I can help you find players, increase wishlists, and improve your chances of a successful game launch...
Here's a few ways I can help you RIGHT NOW with marketing your game...
I have a blog where I give you clear, step-by-step actions plans and “blueprints” to help you market your game. Check out the blog here: Video Game Marketing Tips.
Also, you can watch or listen to the same content on my Video Game Marketing Tips YouTube channel.
And if you hate marketing, and don't have time to do it, then you can hire me. But before you commit to anything, let's start with a no-cost, small and simple marketing project...
Below is my contact info. Send me a message and tell me more about your game, and what challenges you're having when marketing your game.
I'll reply back with some questions to understand your challenge a bit better.
Once I understand your game and your challenge better, I'll come back with a PDF report that will have marketing tips and tools specifically designed to help you with your particular challenge.
Again, no cost, no expectations. If you like my marketing tools and tips that I've come up with for you and your game, then we can talk about a formal, paid project.
But for now, let's start small and simple. Send me a message and tell me more about your game and what challenges you have... and we'll go from there!
Thanks, looking forward to helping you find new players for your game!
Dariusz Konrad
Email: dariusz at mainquestmarketing dot com
Discord Username: dariuszkonrad
LinkedIn: My entrepreneurial successes
Work: Game devs I've helped so far