Find new players. Grow wishlists. Increase game sales. Mainquest Marketing

Work Portfolio

Here's a list of video game studios I've helped with marketing, consulting, SEO, product planning, web dev, and market research...

How I can help you find players, increase wishlists, and improve your chances of a successful game launch...

If you hate marketing, and don't have time to do it, then you can hire me. But before you commit to anything, let's start with a no-cost, small and simple marketing project...

Below is my contact info. Send me a message and tell me more about your game, and what challenges you're having when marketing your game.

I'll reply back with some questions to understand your challenge a bit better.

Once I understand your game and your challenge better, I'll come back with a PDF report that will have marketing tips and tools specifically designed to help you with your particular challenge.

Again, no cost, no expectations. If you like my marketing tools and tips that I've come up with for you and your game, then we can talk about a formal, paid project.

But for now, let's start small and simple. Send me a message and tell me more about your game and what challenges you have... and we'll go from there!

Thanks, looking forward to helping you find new players for your game!

profile picture of dariusz konrad

Dariusz Konrad
Email: dariusz at mainquestmarketing dot com
Discord Username: dariuszkonrad
LinkedIn: My entrepreneurial successes
Work: Game devs I've helped so far